Warsaw University
地  址 Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
電  話 48-22-55-24-013 傳  真 48-22-55-24-000 電子信箱  
校  長 Prof. Marcin Palys/ Prof. Marcin Palys
教職員數 6300人 註冊學生
61300人 大學部 --- 研究生 --- 外籍生 ---
互動狀況 外賓來訪, 來校交換生, 赴外交換生
簡介內容The University of Warsaw was established in 1816, when the partitions of Poland separated the central region of Poland from the older academic center in Cracow. It has now grown to be one of the largest and most prestigious universities in Poland.
System of studies at WU Warsaw University offers courses of studies in 35 fields of arts and sciences. It comprises 18 faculties (Applied Linguistics and East-Slavonic Philology; Applied Social Sciences and Resocialization; Biology; Chemistry; Economic Sciences; Education; Geography and Regional Studies; Geology; History; Journalism and Political Science; Law and Administration; Management; Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics; Modern Languages; Philosophy and Sociology; Physic; Polish Studies; and Psychology) and 25 independent research and didactic units.
Warsaw University confers the following university degrees and titles: licencjat (the equivalent of a Bachelor's degree, granted after 3 years of study), magister (Master's degree, granted after 3+2 or 5 years of study), doktor (Doctor's degree, Ph.D.), doktor habilitowany (Reader's or Assistant Professor's degree), professor (is appointed to a full Professor).

