莫斯科國立語言大學 Moscow Linguistic University
國名/洲別:  俄羅斯/亞洲 |
地 址 |
38,Ostozhenka, Moscow, 119992 |
電 話 |
7-495-2453002 |
傳 真 |
7-495-2468366 |
電子信箱 |
校 長 |
Professor Irina Ivanovna Khaleeva/ Professor Irina Ivanovna Khaleeva
教職員數 |
--- |
註冊學生 |
10000人 |
大學部 |
--- |
研究生 |
1000人 |
外籍生 |
--- |
互動狀況 |
來校交換生, 赴外交換生
簡介內容 | Founded in May, 1930, as the Moscow Institute of New Languages. In September, 1990, it was renamed as the Moscow State Linguistic University. The University has the faculties of: English, German, French, Interpreter’s Training, Extra-Mural studies, Foreign Students Training. There are 25 departments of general educational profile and 33 specialized department offices at the faculties, centers divisions and laboratories to provide for the Training Process, and an experimental training complex. Students are trained in the following specialties: foreign languages, applied linguistic, theory of social-political relations, international economic relations. There are qualification improvement faculties of lecturers and interpreters and the Intertrade Institute of Qualification Improvement with the faculty of language improvement